PELVIPOWER (Switzerland)



Why Choose Pelvipower Equipment?

  • Guarantees a high flow of clients with different indications: from medical rehabilitation, men's and women's health to sports rehabilitation. The procedure is indicated in 80% of men and women. 

  • 25,000 contractions per session. This has a powerful impact and is an effective workout. Working on the pelvic floor muscles on your own makes it almost impossible to achieve the same result.

  • No consumables. The equipment does not require the use of special cosmetics and other aids.

  • High results. The effect of PelviPower® equipment has more than 10 million satisfied customers. It is a truly efficient device based on technological innovations.

  • A trusted brand. PelviPower® equipment is available in more than 60 countries in Europe and America. More than 5 million clinics worldwide.

The innovative PELVIPOWER™ device is created for training the pelvic floor muscles and strengthening the musculoskeletal system through “repetitive peripheral muscle stimulation”, or RPMS. This is the only technology that gives the same application effect, comparable to the effect of electrical stimulation. RPMS is a completely non-invasive technology, since magnetic stimulation - unlike electrical stimulation - is characterized by a special deep effect while simultaneously significantly reducing pain sensors.
3 in 1 chair: suitable for 80% of patients

• Preparation for childbirth, as prevention and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles
• Postpartum recovery
• Urinary incontinence
• Preventive strengthening before urological operations and rehabilitation after urological operations
• Erectile dysfunction, impotence
• Intramuscular pain in the lumbar area, hip pain, antispasmodic muscle pain
• Improved libido and sensitivity, menstrual pain, menopause
• Sports and fitness, formation of a strong and healthy body frame


Pelvipower Equipment: To Whom

Pelvipower machine is ideal for:

• Clinics of aesthetic medicine and perinatal centers
• Wellness centers and MEDICAL SPA
• Private medical centers
• Sanatoriums and resorts
• Fitness projects and rehabilitation centers
• Preventive medicine centers


Pelvipower Machine for Women Health

Pregnancy and childbirth

Affects the physical shape of the pelvic floor muscles. The growing fetus puts pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. During pregnancy the hormone relaxin is released, which makes the tissues more elastic, allowing the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor stretch during childbirth. Sometimes they remain stretched for a long time. Action of relaxin and pressure the fetus prevents the muscles from holding the pelvic organs in the correct position.

Women’s health during menopause

The female body undergoes significant changes all muscles weaken, including the pelvic floor muscles. Menopause is often accompanied by weight gain, which also weakens the pelvic floor muscles.

Gynecological surgeries

or pelvic surgery, such as a hysterectomy, or radiation therapy can disrupt the shape of the pelvic floor muscles and cause urinary incontinence.

Women’s health programs restore the function and function of key pelvic muscles area, thereby allowing to exclude all pathologies. Training prevents all factors that provoke weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, thanks to PelviPower® equipment, repetitive impulses occur on the muscles, this guarantees functional muscle tone, thereby restoring proper the work of our pelvic organs.


Pelvipower Equipment for Men Health

PelviPower™ workout

Stimulates both deep and superficial layers of intimate muscles while significantly improving potency and solving problems with ejaculation. In addition, most men, after prostate surgery completely restore bladder control in case of prostatitis and after radical prostatectomy. Stimulation of tissue and cellular metabolism allows for better and faster restoration of organ function pelvic area, improve vascular function, and get positive response of all organs and systems of the body.


The pelvic floor muscles are closely linked to the muscles in our back. They form a crucial part of our body’s ‘core,’ which resembles a cylindrical muscular frame. This core is composed of transverse, oblique, and rectus abdominis muscles, multifidus muscles in the back, and spine-straightening muscles. At the top, it’s sealed by the diaphragm and at the bottom by the pelvic floor muscles.

The pelvic floor is like a three-layer muscle hammock, extending from the pubic bone in front
to the tailbone in the back, with a thickness of about 1 cm. While each pelvic floor muscle can contract individually, they generally work together to support the bladder, intestines, and, in men, the prostate, and in women, the uterus. They also strengthen the rectal sphincter and urethra.

These muscles can be controlled voluntarily, but often they contract unconsciously, in coordination with deep abdominal and back muscles and the diaphragm. They help regulate abdominal pressure during physical activities. Ideally, intra-abdominal pressure should be automatically managed.

For instance, when lifting weights, the core muscles, including the pelvic floor, collaborate.
The pelvic floor muscles rise, the abdominal and back muscles support the spine, and breathing remains easy. When any of these core muscles weaken, the automatic coordination falters.
This can lead to increased pressure on the pelvic floor, which may weaken over time. If this occurs repeatedly, it can result in pelvic organ issues, such as bladder or bowel problems or pelvic organ prolapse.

To function effectively as part of the core, the pelvic floor muscles need to be flexible. They should be capable of not only contracting and holding tension but also relaxing.

Constant tension can make these muscles stiff, and this stiffness, combined with weakness, can lead to problems like urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, discomfort during intercourse,
and difficulty urinating.



Amazing results


Improved Pulse Method Magnetic Impact RPMS

In medicine, the effects of electromagnetic waves have been understood for a long time. However, it’s only in recent times that this knowledge has transitioned from evidence- based medicine to physiotherapy.

There are only 2 types of therapeutic impacts:

  • Electro-stimulation classic method. 
  • Magnetic-stimulation based on the method Faraday on magnetic induction.

We use advanced magnetic pulse stimulation technology, RPMS method of repetitive stimulation of peripheral muscles with impact to peripheral nerve endings.
While improving personal awareness difficulty in the ability to control their individual muscle functions.

What makes the magnetic influence in this technology unique is the use of a moving magnetic coil constructed from biomedical materials. The Pelvipower machine approach enhances effectiveness, and the resulting waves are perceived more naturally by our body, thereby improving the overall experience.


Bio-feedback Equipped with System Biofeedback

Before: Many people suffer from diseases and problems associated with prolapse genitals.

Training: PelviPower™ training is a simple and effective way to strengthen and relax

the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles, restoring the functioning of the system our bodies.

After: Regular training with PelviPower™ machine significantly strengthens the pelvic area

and our organs. Improving the quality of life and a global approach to health!

Using a built-in sensor, the device accurately records muscle activity pelvic floor, providing real-time visual feedback on the screen time.

An independent study published in the American Journal of Urology found that that repetitive magnetic pulse stimulation is effective non-surgical treatment option, providing 75% success rate and long-term results for 70% of patients.




Highest Activity of Pelvipower Equipment

Advantages for your business:

  • One-time investment
  • Minimal participation of a specialist during procedures
  • Express programs
  • Exclusivity and image, prestige, Swiss quality
  • “NO TOUCH” programs
  • Promotes healing of difficult-to-treat areas and can be combined with other procedures, increasing the effect
  • Has no restrictions on combination with alternative devices and therapy systems